
Our bowlers enjoy two excellent greens, one of which is a new synthetic green and the other a grass one, which is also available to barefoot bowlers.

We welcome new and experienced bowlers and social members to our club and trust you will enjoy your time with us.

Our regular bowls days are held on the following days and all registered bowlers are welcome.
Wednesday 1:00pm   –   Mens Pairs
Thursday 8:45am   –   Ladies
Saturday 1:00pm   –   Open bowls/scroungers

The bowls division competes in both men’s and ladies  pennants in Brisbane District as well as other interclub competitions. If you want to know more about bowls, give us a call on (07) 3355 5588.

Whether you are a bowler moving from another state, from within Queensland or even a member of a local club looking for a new challenge, we can accommodate your needs.